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Win 30 Icons Of WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly!

Yes, you read the heading of this post correctly. You can win 30 icons of the beautiful WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly! And of course, it is free! You could use these icons for anything you'd like! (Twitter, Website, etc,.) If you'd like to win all 30 of these icons, leave a comment below saying "Hey i would love these icons of Kelly Kelly...." Or something like that. Today is Monday July 24, 2011, comments will be accepted until Friday July 29, 2011. Any comments added after Friday will not be in the raffle. I am going to raffle the names of the people that commented and i will announce the winner(s) on Saturday July 30, 2011. The first place winner will get all 30 of these sexy icons. The second place winner will get 10 different icons of Kelly Kelly. And third place will get 5 different icons of Kelly Kelly. If you have a Twitter, leave your username at the end of the comment so it will be easy for me to contact you if you have won. Leave your comment here and Good luck to everyone that enters.


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